language is liquid
to your lips
I will never give up
to follow your cup
from your finger-tips
to your lips
and then drip and drop
wherever you lead
the crop of my caresses
down to your hips
over your tops
Alberto Sighele
un vestito
dio è un vestito
che qualcuno ti ha cucito
per mordere il tuo osso
Alberto Sighele
a kitten in the kitchen
there is a kitten in the kitchen
that wants to be touched and squeezed
and adored like a goddess of Egypt
Alberto Sighele
the internet
the internet is mimicking our brain
our heart, too
me and you
and we get stuck
as if we were out to pluck
stars in the meadow of the universe
Alberto Sighele
rupi kaur
hold it in your inner hand
it’s gold
it will expand
and take over you
Alberto Sighele
you are the bee
that flower wanted to see
and suck
I say good luck
Alberto Sighele
non è scialba l’alba
non è scialba l’alba è irresistibile
Alberto Sighele
il sè
lo dico a me
lo dico a te
lo dico a tutti
è il sé
che parla in me
siamo noi la primavera
noi l’alba
Alberto Sighele